perm filename TR324.5[AM,DBL] blob sn#574947 filedate 1981-03-24 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
<CSD.LENAT>TRACE.MAR24.5 is now open.
"24-Mar-81 14:13:21"

Fully Initialize?  (Y or N): 
OK, defining Slots, UsedSlots, UnusedSlots, NUnitSlots as I go along... 
(Worth-2 (u) NIL)
(English-1 (u) NIL)
Done! (61 Slots)
Eliminate the recently synthesized units? Y
Eliminate the individual values filled in during an earlier run, for slots of units still in existence? y

Fully Initialize?  (Y or N): 
OK, defining Slots, UsedSlots, UnusedSlots, NUnitSlots as I go along... Done! (
57 Slots)!

Should I eliminate recently-computed values?  (Y or N): 

compiling <CSD.LENAT>EUR..11
listing? STF

collecting string characters
752, 752 free cells, 21 pages left

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 20 pages left

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 19 pages left
APPLYEVAL, AddInvA0011, AddInv, AddPropL, AlgA0012, Alg, ApplicArgs, 
ApplicGenArgs, ApplicGenBuild, ApplicGenInit, Apply-to-u, ApplyRule, Average, 
AverageWorths, BestChoose, BestSubset, CPRIN1, Certainty, Check2AfterEditp, 
CheckAfterEditp, CheckElim, CheckTheValues, Comp, 
(CreateUnit (N NOLD) NIL)
CurSup, CycleThruAgenda, Date2, DecrementCreditAssignment, 
(DefineIfSlot (s) NIL)
DefineSlot, DefnA0013, Defn, DirectApplics, Divides, 
(DoesIntersect (L M) NIL)
DreplaceGet, DwimUnionProp, EU, Eurisko, ExtractInput, ExtractOutput, 
ExtractPriority, ExtractReasons, ExtractSlotName, ExtractUnitName, Flatten, 
FractionOf, GenArgs, GenBuild, GenInit, Generalizations, Generalize1LispFn, 
Generalize1LispPred, GeneralizeIOPair, GeneralizeLispFn, GeneralizeLispPred, 
GoodChoose, GoodSubset, Half, HasHighWorth, ISQRT, IndirectApplics, 
InitialElimSlots, InitializeCreditAssignment, InitializeEurisko, InsideOf, 
Instances, Interp1, Interp2, Interrupts, IsAKindOf, KillSlot, 
(KillUnit (u) NIL)
KnownApplic, LessWorth, ListifyIfNec, ListsStarting, ListsStartingAux, MAPAPPEND
, MAXIMUM, Map&Print, MapApplicsA0014, MapApplics, MapExamplesA0015, MapExamples
, MapUnion, MergePropsA0016, MergeProps, MergeTasks, 
NUnitp, NearnessTo, NewNam, NoRepeatsIn, OrderTasks, Percentify, PunishSeverely
, Quoted, REM1PROP, RandomChoose, RandomP, RandomSubset, RandomSubst, 
RandomSubst*, ResetPri, RunAlg, RunDefn, SOME1, SOS, SQUARE, START, 
SelfIntersect, SetDiff, SetIntersect, SibSlots, SlotNames, SlotSubst, 
(Slotp (s) NIL)
SomeUneliminated, SortByWorths, Specializations, Specialize1LispExpr, 
Specialize1LispFn, Specialize1LispPred, SpecializeBit, 
SpecializeCompiledLispCode, SpecializeDataType, SpecializeIOPair, 
SpecializeLispFn, SpecializeLispPred, SpecializeList, SpecializeNIL, 
SpecializeNumber, SpecializeSlot, SpecializeText, SpecializeUnit, 
StrongUnsaveDef, TakingTooLong, TheFirstOf, TheNumberOf, TheSecondOf, TinyReward
, TrueIfItExists, UnGet, UnionProp, Unitp, WaxOn, WholeTask, WorkOnTask, 
collecting string characters
342, 854 free cells, 18 pages left
WorthWorkingOn, XeqIfItExists, YesNo,